Detox and Rejuvenate
Your Body and Brain!
Introducing the One-Of-A-Kind
BrainDefend® Detox Code Program
Transform your health
and your life!
How is the BrainDefend® Detox Code program
different than other detox programs?
The BrainDefend® Detoxification Program is unique in that it is a carefully guided and personalized program that incorporates a metabolic health, brain, and gut detox component that often is overlooked in most liver-centric detox programs.
While the body and brain share similar detoxification pathways that facilitates the drainage and removal of toxins, the brain and gut both require a more specific and focused approach to more adequately detox and eliminate pathogens.
Most science-based detox kits and programs actually due a good job of enhancing the well-known phase 1 and 2 detoxification pathways.
These programs are often touted as liver detox programs because the supplemental detox products are designed to optimize the liver’s high concentration of phase 1 enzymes (CYP-450) and supportive elimination pathways in phase 2 that enable the biotransformation and metabolism of environmental toxins, drugs, hormones and many other compounds.
However, these detoxification systems are actually everywhere in the body and are present in the gut and central nervous system too. Yet, the gut requires a specialized approach to balancing the microbiome.
In the BrainDefend® Detox Code Program an added layer of supplemental therapy is added to make sure that is addressed.
In addition, this extra layer of gut detox support stimulates longevity and metabolic healing mechanisms, and counters many of the metabolic disturbances that are associated with an unhealthy healthspan!
Did you know that the brain has a similar lymphatic drainage system like the body does and it requires specific nutrients to keep that optimized? Yes it does!
The BrainDefend® Detox Code Program includes that focus and the supplementation, and lifestyle modifications resources to support that pathway too.

- Lose weight
- Boost immunity
- Eliminate toxins
- Protect your brain
- Boost energy
- Lower blood sugar
- Protect your heart
- Attain healthier skin
- Optimize digestive health
- Improve moods
Your Detox Supplements!
Berberine Synergy
Seriously Delicious High Potency Key Lime Pie
Your Guide…

So glad you are here to review my BrainDefend® body-brain detoxification program and how it can protect and transform your health and life now.
Optimizing detoxification for health and wellness benefits is an essential focus in addressing the accumulation of many toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis.
I know well the importance of detoxification therapies as I had to incorporate these detoxification strategies and protocols to recover from pesticide and mercury exposures many years ago.
Since then, I have successfully assisted many patients and clients over the past twenty five years with similar health challenges, and they have experienced remarkable health benefits from our work together.
In addition, the dietary and nutritional support in my body-brain detox program will hone in on gut health and metabolic pathways that are vital for:
- improving the health of your microbiome,
- shedding belly fat
- optimizing blood sugar levels and protecting against the onset of type 2 diabetes and brain diabetes, and
- protecting against cardiovascular disease.
Of course, the BrainDefend® body-brain detox also has a specific focus on supporting the brain’s detox mechanisms.
There is not any other online detox program available that includes all of these critical foci—metabolic health, gut, brain, and liver detox support.
These added layers of in my body-brain detoxification program to a traditional liver cleanse is what makes my body-brain detoxification program unique.
It is a more comprehensive, and deeper metabolic health and detoxification program than traditional liver cleanses have built in to their tool bag and approach.
Lets get started!
Enroll now to make sure we get your detox kit and supplements delivered.
Once your purchase of the BrainDefend® Detox Code supplement protocol is processed, you’ll receive instructions and a calendar link so I can personally get you started on your detox program.
A Personalized Approach
Over four weeks we will have weekly online group meetings to make sure that all your personal needs and questions are addressed.
The meetings are recorded and sent to you in case you miss any, or you would like to review them at your convenience. This is especially important if you have never completed a detox as there often some mild to moderate discomfort when you get started.
We guide you and will make sure this is doable and a success for you!
Questions and concerns about your experience as we move along the four week BrainDefend® Detox Code program will get answered. You will get ALL the support you may need including my personal attention to your challenges!
To make this is easier for everyone, the BrainDefend® Detox Code program includes a pre-detox phase to get you ready for the more intensive component to the program—the last two weeks.
Two weeks prior to the more comprehensive supplementation and meal replacement part of the program, we will get you aligned with the proper access and support needed to fully address your core diet and lifestyle patterns.
The intent for this pre-detox phase is to more gently ease your. body and brain into the program and to set an important foundation as these are critical components to a more successful outcome and the long-term benefits you can derive from it.
The access to the BrainDefend® Detox Code diet and meal plans, and lifestyle guides are an added bonus to the personalized BrainDefend® detox program that few other detoxification programs provide.
No guesswork on what and how much to eat or include in your meals to make your detox a success! You will get digital reminders of the health habits needed to support your progress daily.

BrainDefend® Detox Code Program
Are you ready for
a brand new you?
The complete personalized and month-long program including supplements is: